Dzień dobry, Rodzina!!
My bad, I miscounted the weeks, the fill-in calendar taped to my desk is throwing me off! We had Elder M. Russell Ballard come speak to us at the Sunday night devotional, it was so awesome!! Here are some tips he gave us:
1. Teach principles of the Gospel
2. Speak in the name of G-d
3. Every member and missionary to know the Apostasy
4. Keep your eyes riveted on those you're teaching- especially when teaching the First Vision
5. Show loyalty to Heavenly Father - PROTECT YOUR COMPANION
- Speak with love, not contention
6. Be postitive - I like to sing hymns 227 and 293 every day
7. Follow the Spirit
I really loved when Elder Ballard brought up that whenever we're feeling homesick, to write a letter to Joseph Smith. Our prophet spent 4 1/2 months in Liberty Jail, enduring so much, and making the ultimate sacrifice to stand for what he believed in. It is such a blessing to have an eternal perspective, regardless the negative things that will happen to you in life! Here is an awesome video that I hope you will all take the time to see:
It is so unreal how spoiled we are to have apostles come speak to us often! My heart is so full!
Our district got the chance to host again! This time I hosted Sister Naganuma from Japan, going to the Japan Nagoya Mission, Sister Morgan from Oregon going to the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission, and Sister Jenkins from South Jordan going to the Tampa Florida Mission. These Siostry are some of the sweetest! Helaman's army is growing so much!
Today we went to the temple and did sealings and visited the Celestial room afterwards. Sealings have seriously strengthened my testimony of eternal families and how important it is for all of G-d's children to strive to make it to His house. I really love the church and how much missionary work makes a difference in peoples' lives everyday!
It is my wish for all of you to have a prayer in your heart that Heavenly Father will help you understand what you need to do to to return to His presence. I know that He wants that for all of you and loves you. I love you. The Missionary Training Center is an inspired place, and I look forward to the rest of my time here and being aware of those around me and what they need.
Siostra Herrera
"No matter what happens, you can always choose to be kind."
Also, we got locked out of our residence because we all forgot our keys and the doors lock from the inside. That was great! NIE!!
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