Dzień dobry, Rodzina!!
This week, we gained 10 new missionaries:
5 Slovenes- 2 Elders, 3 Sisters
2 Croatian Sisters
3 Bulgarian Sisters
We share our room with the Bulgarians, and they are so sweet! I look forward to getting to know them better! For our Sunday night devotional, we had Brother Allen talk to us about protecting ourselves against the ways that the Adversary tries to bring us down.
1. You can't learn this language
- The Lord assigns your call
- Pray for strength and courage to learn
-You will look back and love your mission
2. You can't do this/too hard
- Don't be your own judge and jury
3. Unwilling to forgive ourselves for past transgressions
- Let them go
- Ammon suffered every privation
- G-d is grateful for what we've given up to serve Him
I know that the Lord answers our prayers with tender mercies and that He will take our faith and increase it. Even though we are all on the same path to return to Heavenly Father, we are carrying different loads, but G-d Himself has prepared this pathway, all we need to do is trust Him.
I will confess and say that I have not been the missionary that G-d would have me be these last few weeks. I have followed the counsel of trying to be exactly obedient and diligent, but with that comes being a kind, loving and patient companion. On Tuesday night, I made the decision to strive to love my companions no matter what, and there has been much less contention in our companionship. We have a choice on our attitudes against negativity, and I choose not to just be a missionary, but the Lord's missionary. I know that we just don't have that one or few people who have chosen to come to Christ through our influence, but that we need to talk to everyone, because all of G-d's children need to return to Him, and He is still speaking. I have chosen to be not just a good missionary, but an instrument in G-d's hands. We all have a choice, but in order to ask Heavenly Father what the correct one would be, do you turn inward, or do you turn outward and upward? Do you wallow, or do you pray and search for guidance? Do you see the Lord's hand in your life?
I know that there is something we can do each day to become more like the Savior, Jesus Christ. All we need to do is pay attention to our relationships with others and seek to improve.
I love you all so much and hope that you can see the light of Christ within yourselves! Thank-you for your support!
Kocham was!!
Siostra Herrera
P.S.- Also, I saw Rex Alo's cousin, Elder Ah-Fua! It turns out that he had been trying to find me! What a blessing to see friends! Rex, if you're reading this, it has been so awesome to meet members of your family and see the blessings of their service!
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